Jan 11, 2022

people have started to ignore websites for their small business reason being that their business isn’t big enough yet. They prefer social media over websites, we are not trying to state that social media is not good for your business. What we want to state is that your website acts like a hub or a headquarter for your business. You can use social media for promotional purposes and direct your audience right towards your website. Developing a website is not an easy task but you can hire a web designing company in Malaysia for astounding web development.

Why do you think big businesses invest insane amounts in hiring web designing companies in Malaysia for website development and maintenance? Are they nuts? No, they know the profit they’ll gain by it. The marketing strategy also plays a great role along with your website but as we said before your website is your business headquarter.

You might be thinking why are we pushing you towards a website this much? Well, we want you to accomplish what you are dreaming for, your business can never guarantee long-term success if it’s progressing without a website.


Let’s discuss a few reasons which will convince you to start working on your website ASAP!


A few decades back we received a lot of pamphlets in our houses, schools or sometimes pamphlets were distributed on the streets. The aim was to acknowledge people about a certain change or a new brand. It includes your products, your services, prices and packages.

It represents how your physical store will look; it sets an image in the minds of the viewers about your brand. A website also includes your contact information. In a nutshell, your website has every tiny bit of information that your customers might need before shopping from you.


You know it’s a turn off for many customers when they do not get a link to the brand’s website? This drives them to your competitors. A big chunk of your customers is doing this for a long time, you might be thinking why not be directed to a website that is upsetting for a customer? Consider you bought a hat from a street vendor, what if it turns out the hat was of poor quality? Can you do anything? No.

 This is the reason why people don’t want to shop from a social media account that doesn’t have a website, they have no evidence of the presence of that brand, they cannot complain or return goods in case of a mishap. Hence, owning a website increases your credibility and represent your professionalism.


Take the example of pamphlets; pamphlets are bound to reach hundreds of thousands of people in the area but what about the areas beyond?

The pamphlet is a medium for the physical promotion of businesses, obviously, it’s limited. There is no possibility for a pamphlet to reach every person in the world or even a country.

A website is visible to people from every corner of the world, your product or service can be provided to anyone, anywhere, anytime as if website or online marketing has shrunk the radius of our beloved Earth.


Your clients are expecting you to be online, they want you to talk to them, they want to know you better, they want to discuss their queries. Your social site can do it, but professionalism can only be achieved through your website. If your website has a live chat feature CONGRATULATIONS your business will sail successfully towards your destination.

The reason I mentioned live chat is that people are more likely to talk to you when they see quick customer support on your web. This can never happen on your social media sites.


You can own your website whilst a Facebook page or an Instagram account is not owned by you instead it involves a third party. You cannot change layouts or design your homepage according to your will on a social media site while the website gives you complete ownership. You can design, display and write your homepage as you want.

Thus, your website can give a sneak peek at your physical store while a social media site cannot.


People consider Google or any other search engine to be the solution to every problem they are facing; know what pain your customer might face and list solutions to it on your blog. Your blog page can help you get hundreds of thousands of customers. Once customers start finding their solutions on your site, they might get interested in who you are, or you can brand your product within your blog in a tailored way.

In this way, you can get your hands on many new customers online, but do not stop once you have gained thousands of new customers, keep working on your blog and grow your business.


On your website, you can add your previous work as a sample or showcase your talent. Your testimonials also play a huge role in your brand’s image. People investigate your previous projects in terms of services, or they’ll undergo your reviews on Google or any social site to know more about your products.

It’s better for your business if you mention all of it within your site, if people visit different platforms to see your reviews there is a chance that they might stumble onto a few of your negative reviews and back out from their thought of buying your product/service.

We are halfway through our 17 reasons why you need a website, consider consulting our web designing company in Malaysia and take your business off to the sky.


Your customer support can be improved using websites, you can use live chat feature, free consultation. All these advanced features have a strong impact on customer service, people hate waiting for a response,

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions, add these on your website to save time at both ends, FAQs can be found out by your previous chat or phone call with your customers, compile the most asked questions and here you go!


A website saves your time and reduces it to around one fourth, with less requirement of staff. Your website can be a more valuable asset for a successful business. It takes you out from your daily grind, boring meetings.

It also gives you time to spend with your family, with your business being operated by your website you have nothing to worry about. You can go on holidays, enjoy vacations meaning that you are not restricted to being in your office all day long. You can operate your business from anywhere, at any time. It doesn’t mean you don’t have to give time to your business, an effective marketing strategy is also required along with proper website updates and maintenance.

10. 24/7:

The same point again, while you are sleeping, a person from a completely opposite time zone might be sitting on his couch drinking his morning coffee and going through your products and service while using your live chat. When you wake up you already have many orders placed. How interesting is that? The website has indeed become the core of businesses.

Not only that, but your business is also open even on Sundays eventually meaning that you’ll never be closed, people don’t have to wait for you to open your office if they want to consult you.


Websites save a lot of money for you; you have launched a sale? Put it on your website. You just inaugurated a new product? Put it on your web. Want to talk about your products? Add it to your blog.

Owning a website saves a lot of money for you, you do not have to pay the printing price of hundreds of pamphlets when you have a website. To garnish this point: the need for staff has reduced, resulting in fewer salaries to give out.

You can use emails for the purpose of promotion, tell people everything about your brand through it.


Let us take a break, we want you’ll to know about our web designing company in Malaysia. We sprouted as Hi! Tech eight years back when website development was becoming the core of businesses. Our aim is to help businesses in opening their online store in minimal time, effort and money. That was our quick introduction, now scroll down to read the rest of our blog.


A website lets you compete with brands all over the world even the big fish. How? It's simple when online they do not see the brands office or brands outlet or anything. What do they see? The website how it's built and designed, what features does it has and what promises the product is making.

You can blend in very well with big brands if you have the best design, layout, content and SEO. What are you waiting for? Go! Start working on your website.


People are preferring online business more and more as we speak. Studies show that the rate of people shopping online is increasing over the past decade. You don’t want to be left out in the dark? Social media is very reliable for you but for people, it’s just an account that can be deleted within the blink of an eye.

For you to stay in the global market and mark your existence it’s important that you have an active website that represents who you are with honesty.


A number of entrepreneurs are

A number of entrepreneurs believe that their staff is a liability, why not try making them your investment? An easy way to do that is via your website, hold a private page that can only be accessed by your staff member and instruct them there. Share motivational videos, tips and tricks for their work. This will not only improve their skills but will also create a friendly relation with you, hence your office can transform into a family and your business will grow even further.


There is no doubt that your competitors do not have a website, they are paving their path on the roads of online shopping and here you are sitting behind working on your local office. Time has changed and if you don’t hurry up you might end up in liability. Switch to websites before it becomes a necessity, the reason we are saying this is because then, all the businesses around you will have marked their footprints on the global market and there will be little to no place left for you.

Hurry up! Hire a web designing company in Malaysia and create the best web design Malaysia for your website and then off you go to a long, successful journey.


If your website is capable of online transactions that are more than great. People love carrying out their shopping in nanoseconds. From choosing the product to buying it, all done in a few seconds! You receive your payment, start working on the shipment and the product is delivered to them in 5 days no matter where the store is. Online business has made things very convenient for people all around and for business too only if you use the opportunity. Your social media page can never carry out transactions, but your website can.

Contact our Malaysia web design company and prepare for your digital business.


For your website to rank better you’ll have to work on content on daily basis, as you work on the content, you’ll explore more and more about your field which will fluctuate in your mind. New ideas will emerge in your mind because of the information received opening new doors for your business. We know this reason is far stretched but believe us it’s worth the investment.

These are the 17 reasons why your business should have a website at any cost. We hope you are convinced that a website is very important for the growth of your business. Have you decided to search for a web designing company in Malaysia? Here we are Hi! Tech Malaysia web designing company offering various small and big web design Malaysia package at amazing website design Malaysia price. The competition is tough, there is no time to lose! Contact us for free consultation and together we’ll determine what’s best for your business. See ya!

Our Services

  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Graphic Designing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Digital Marketing

Reasons why Hi! Tech is the best!

Quality Guaranteed

Our cadre is skilled, talented, and above all experienced. Hi! Tech’s been providing quality for the past 6 years, the reason why we strived as a firm is our promise to quality and ought to creativity.

Team that suits the project

Hi! Tech’s teams are gathered according to the project requirements. For instance, some projects require exceptional creativity and coding skills for that, we compile our creative minds with our best developers. Greater the project, greater will be the team.

Architectonics 24/7

We are owls at night and eagles during the day. Our teams work endlessly and efficiently. Our primary goal is to deliver the project as early and as perfectly as we possibly can! time period to satisfy clients.

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